Thursday, August 2, 2007


Today I was on the floor again.

Syncopal episode is the term that the doctor uses for it. I just say "I fainted." It happened on Saturday evening when I was exercising, and it happened again today after I walked up some stairs at work and sat down at my desk. Today, once again, I found myself wondering why I had lost control of my thoughts, and then I realized that I was actually down on the floor, waking up.

After the first time, I had gone to see the doctor. That was yesterday, and she had ordered an EKG. When the EKG was done, the nurse looked at the results and said, "It's abnormal, but I don't know what it means." Then she left the room.

A year and a half ago, I was going through breast cancer treatment. Now with the nurse's announcement of an abnormal EKG, it looked like maybe I was going to have another health issue. So I decided it would be a good time to pray.

"Dear God," I started, and then paused, and then the thing that seemed right to me to say as I continued was: "whatever!" And what I meant by that was, "whatever the outcome of this is, whether I have heart problems, or something else, or nothing at all, it's in your hands, God, and I'm OK with that. I don't actually need to ask you for an outcome of any kind, because I trust you with anything. I'll just wait and see what happens and try to be your witness to the people I encounter in whatever the situation is." And although I only used the one word, "whatever", I think God knew what I meant.

The reason I was able to pray this prayer, instead of asking God to keep me from illness or harm, was because of the cancer I had just gone through. He had been with me in a strong and loving way throughout that time, and had shown me in many ways how much he cared for me (see and Because I knew this, I had suddenly realized, when I started to pray, that I had no fear of any new illness.

The doctor then came in and told me that the EKG looked identical to the one I had two years earlier, so it wasn't really abnormal after all. However, she wanted me to see a cardiologist. And I was actually in the process of making that appointment when I fainted again today. And Microsoft Security came, and the paramedics came, and off I eventually went to the ER!

Now I'm sitting in a hospital room, admitted for observation and tests, and I still feel the way I felt when I prayed yesterday: I am not afraid. A new illness might even be a new adventure in learning more about the depth of God's love. For what can separate us from the love of Christ? Certainly not illness. "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor heavenly rulers, nor things that are present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in creation will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:38-39).

No, I still say, "Dear God--whatever! I'm with you, and that's all that matters."


Anonymous said...

Wow Debbie! I love this post--I'll be praying "Whatever" as well as for your health and peace. Thanks for posting!

Anonymous said...

You are showing a great faith in the One who guides all things and watches over His children. Thanks for sharing your courageous trust in this blog with us.

It is a privilege to read your words, even ion the midst of your difficulties!

I give thanks to God for your writing today, and I'll be praying!

Dave Moody said...

any news from the docs? thanks for the post.
do let us know.
John 16.33


Debbie said...

I'm going to be having more tests on Thursday morning. I'll let people know if there is anything to be known! They have told me, however, that there is a possibility that they may never figure out what is going on.

Meanwhile I'm feeling pretty much normal except I seem to be extra tired. So I'm just trying not to stay up too late! :-)


Anonymous said...


Your faith in this situation is an inspiration (though not a surprise) to any who know you and Jim.

I'll be praying for a diagnosis and solution.

Jim Cahalan

Anonymous said...

Debbie: In recent years I have grown to hate the term 'whatever', especially when my 11 year old granddaughter uses it. However, after your article, and your faith-filled 'whatever', the next time I hear it I will pray for you and be reminded to trust God again in whatever comes my way. Love and appreciate you, your hubby, and your encouragement to many. Jim Hazlett

Douglas Underhill said...

Oddly, I've often ended up praying something like the "whatever" prayer you describe - not for as deep a reason, I think, but more because I sometimes feel foolish asking God for an outcome when God probably already has a better one in mind already...

Debbie said...

That's a good reason, too, Doug!

For those who are wondering, I saw the cardiologist today for some more tests, and everything looks just fine, which is good news. There's no real explanation for why I've been fainting, except for possibly something related to a heart murmur that I have. I have been given permission to resume exercising and driving, and just need to have a heart ultrasound every year. So it's all good. We'll see what other ways God will use this strange event.

Karl Shadley said...

Debbie, Thanks for sharing your journey with us. I treasure being able to pray with you and share in the things that are happening in your life. Peace, Karl

Presbyman said...

Debbie, you and your husband are a great encouragement to me and you are in my prayers for your health concerns.

Grace and peace,

John Erthein

Michael Dodaro said...

I had the same kind of experience with prayer early this morning. We lost my mother-in-law just after Christmas, and now my father-in-law is near death. My wife is a pretty resilient person, but this is hard on her. Most of my prayers now are those of one who kneels in the presence of God and waits.

Anonymous said...

You are a great example of faith in the Father who loves you and will do what is best for you. I will pray for the upcoming surgery.

Le blogue à Gholo said...

Bonjour Debbie,

Oui, je sais c'est une voix qui remonte de loin, autant dans l'espace que dans le temps!

Je suis tombé sur ton blogue par hasard, oui et non. Un peu de nostalgie m'a fait rechercher des nouvelles de mes collègues des Eurogrammars de l'époque. J'ai donc googlé ton nom et j'ai trouvé ton blogue.

D'une part je m'inquiète un peu de ce que j'y ai lu et, d'autre part, ça me rassure que tu gardes courage et confiance.

Henri Roy

Debbie said...
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Debbie said...

Henri, c'est bien de voir ton nom après toutes ces années! Je suis en ce moment à l'hôpital. Il y a 2 heures, on m'a donné un stimulateur (pacemaker) pour mon cœur. On avait enfin découvert la cause de mes problèmes (évanouissements, fatigue extrême, etc.) Je suis heureuse d'avoir une solution.

Comment va ta famille?

Je ne peux plus écrire en ce moment parce que j'ai des trucs sur mes doigts, etc.


Le blogue à Gholo said...

Bonjour Debbie,

Tu es à l'hôpital? J'espère que ça se passe bien pour toi.

Ma famille? Oui, depuis plus de 7 ans, ç'a évolué comme tout autre chose. Disons que nous sommes séparés depuis 2002, Josée, mon ex, a la garde de ma fille Emmanuelle. Ça fait longtemps que je ne l'ai pas vue, car j'ai dû m'éloigner pour un contrat en enseignement dans une région assez éloignée. Maintenant ce contrat est terminé et je suis encore en recherche d'emploi.

D'ailleurs, il se peut qu'on se revoit bientôt! En effet, je suis en négociation pour un contrat de 6 mois chez NLG pour tester le correcteur orthographique et le thesaurus. (En tous cas, c'est ce que le recruteur de ComSys, m'a dit). J'attends de leurs nouvelles probablement cette semaine.

Il me fera grandement plaisir de te revoir ainsi que mes collègues de l'époque.

D'ici là, surtout, prends bien soin de toi,


Debbie said...


Je ne suis plus à l'hôpital. Mais j'y suis revenue à l'intétim pour qu'on me donne un stimulateur pour le cœur. Ca ne marche pas tout à fait bien pour le moment; on va voir comment ça ira.

Dommage que toi et Josée, vous soyez séparés. J'espère que tu pourras revoir Emmanuelle bientôt. Elle aura à peu près 7 ans maintenant ?
