Friday, August 31, 2007

Update #2

I realized I need to do a second update. This is feeling really narcissistic, however.

I'm not recovering as expected after getting the pacemaker. I'm extremely winded after doing just about anything. For example, I walk up a flight of stairs, and I'm so out of breath that I have to grab whatever is nearest and lean on it while I get my breath back. I've been back to the cardiologist, and they're baffled; the pacemaker is working properly and it should have solved this. They have done tests and there is nothing they can see wrong with me.

So if anyone is so inclined, I would appreciate prayer that this would get figured out. It's causing too much anxiety to my husband and parents, for one thing.

But I'm still hanging on to that "whatever." God is in this, and his ways are not my ways.

1 comment:

Viola Larson said...

Its not narcissistic, all of us want to know how you are doing! I am praying for you, Jim and your parents. Keep resting in His love.