Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I can't imagine

For years, I have been praying the Lord's prayer in my own words. I don't think that Jesus meant it to be something that we learn by rote and then recite to God; I think he meant it as a template for the things that we should pray about. When I restate it in my own words, I really think about what I'm saying to God when I pray it.

I have learned a lot in the process of doing this, and one of the things I've learned just came to me the other night. It was when I was asking God for his kingdom to come soon, and for his will to be done here on earth, perfectly and all the time, just the way it is in heaven. I do long for that, because I think it will be the most wonderful thing imaginable to have everything happen all the time only in accordance with God's will.

But then a little stray (and very immature) thought of my own wandered in, and I thought, "What if, when God's will is the only thing that is ever done, I don't ever get to sit on my comfy chair and do my favorite puzzles any more?"

First the part of me that thinks I have everything all analyzed responded back to myself that, whatever I can and can't do then won't matter, because it will be so glorious to do God's will, and everything will be on such a different plane, that I won't think about comfy chairs and puzzles and things like that.

But then I remembered (or perhaps God reminded me of) something else. I have a relative who is an alcoholic. She has been sober for a few years now. But before that, she has told me, she was reluctant to go to Alcoholics Anonymous, partly because she thought that life would be too boring without drinking. What she couldn't imagine, until she became sober, was how much more fun, fulfilling, and interesting her life was without alcohol. She just didn't know how to picture it, but once she got there, she loved it. She would never go back to her old life. She is so happy being sober! Her life is so much better now!

I think it will be like that when God's kingdom comes. We just don't know how to imagine what it will be like, and sometimes, with our small imaginations, we fear that it might be boring or that we might not get to do the things we like to do best, because, perhaps, like my favorite puzzles, they're not centered around serving others, or worshipping, or so on. But what we can't picture is how much more fun and fulfilling and interesting our lives will be once we experience the fullness of God's kingdom, whenever that will be, at our death, or when he comes again. We won't want to go back to our old lives. It will be so much better!

Actually, already I can't wait. I'm so excited to be where glorious and perfect worship is taking place; it must be magnificent. And to catch a glimpse of God himself! One day....


Craig said...


Thanks for your recent comments on my "blog" I apprecaite them.

Would it be ok for me to share my picture of what it might be like when we are all worshipping together.

I got a glimpse pf this a few years ago, in a small church in St. Louis du Nord, Haiti. I was standing in front of a congregation of both Americans and Haitians, leading Amazing Grace. When all of a sudden I realized that while I was singing in English, they were singing in Kreyol. I was suddenly overcome with a sense that this a tiny glimpse of what John talks about in Revelation 4.

Sorry for that, but I just want to agree that when you are in God's will, life doesn't get much better.

Thanks again

Debbie said...

Craig, that is just so cool! I love it! It is more than OK that you shared it--it is great!

I have an idea for your blog--would you write a posting on it telling about your work? I think you are with a nonprofit of some sort and I'd be interested to know what you do, and I bet others would be interested, too.


Craig said...


I actually have a blog that does that, I like using the Shuck Made Me blog for this stuff. I'll probably do some more posts at the Shuck blog, but there are some reasons, that I would prefer to remain a little anonymous as far as some of the people I dialogue with. I'll be happy to send you the address. If you want to e mail me.

That is one of my favorite memories of the last few years. Communion takes on a whole new meaning as well. Getting to share my Haitian life with my oldest son, is pretty high up there too.

Debbie said...

Craig, I can't reply to your e-mail because it uses a "no reply" e-mail address. I've briefly allowed my e-mail address to be available on this blog, so could you e-mail me to give me the info you talked about?



Craig said...


Got it, you can hide it again.
