Tuesday, April 29, 2008

A Fun Little Tag

I've been tagged again, by Judy at Stitch Along with Me. This time I need to give answers to a bunch of categories, and they all need to start with the same letter as my first name. So here goes:

What is your name? Debbie
Four letter word: deer
Vehicle: Dodge
TV Show: Dr. Kildare (OK, it's old, but he sure was cute!)
City: Downey (where I grew up)
Boy's Name: David
Girl's Name: Diana
Occupation: developer
Something You Wear: dress
Food: dim sum
Something Found in a Bathroom: dental floss
Reason for Being Late: disaster
Something You Shout: Don't jump!


Craig said...


I don't know if you got my e mail the other day, but I got a comment from your boss at my HFH blog. Any ideas how that happened?

Debbie said...

Hey, Craig, I guess I didn't get your e-mail, because I still don't have a way to reply to your e-mail, and I don't know where your HFH blog is. I'm curious about this, and about the comment by my boss, and exactly who my boss is that commented, as I could be construed to have many bosses all the way up to Bill Gates!


Craig said...


My e-mail is tortug@comcast.net and my HFH blog is, http://craigsbuild.blogspot.com/.

The boss in question is Steve Ballmer(or someone claiming to be him). He commented on the post entitled It's Time. Hope this helps.